A Easy Way of Setting Opening Link in New Tab in Hugo Menu
Frank / 2020-07-06
Recently, I encountered a minor problem. I would like to opening in a new tab when clicking the “Vitae” button in the menu of this website.
It’s fairly easy to set this up in HTML. You just need to set
<a href="https://www.ding-rui.org/vitae" target="_blank">Vitae </a>
However, it is a problem when you are using Hugo. Hugo itself doesn’t have an option to set the target
attribute for a specific menu. (Although there was a pull request addressing this issue)
Now I found that the easiest way might be modifying the template of Hugo.
I add the following code to my menu.html
<li{{ if eq .URL $currentPage.RelPermalink }} class="active"{{ end }}><a href="{{ .URL }}"{{ if eq .Name "Vitae"}} target="_blank" {{end}} >{{ .Name }} </a></li>
More specifically, the key is this line. When the page name is “Vitae”, it will add target="_blank"
to the attribute.
{{ if eq .Name "Vitae"}} target="_blank" {{end}}
My idea is that my vitae is on a separate layout, which doesn’t have the menu bar. I would like people can stay on my blog if they open my vitae. This is a feature for my potential employers or someone want to learn more about me. Since my vitae has less information comparing with my blogs.
Generally, it is not a good idea to force user to open link in a new tab. Unless the link refer to an outside page or you have a specific reason like me.
Always remember, if you are stuck on making HTML or Markdown work for some web page issues, Javascript is your best friend. Below is the JS script I am using on this site to open any outside website(where I have to use abosulte reference) in a new tab.
(function() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(links[i].getAttribute('href'))) {
links[i].target = '_blank';